
City Wide Open Studios - Alternative Space 2012

2012: City Wide Open Studios - Alternative Space

I exhibited 50 paintings inside an old newspaper factory, along with 100 other artists.

During the show, I photographed dozens of volunteers who came to look at my paintings, for possible use as models for future portraits.

2011: Nest

I exhibited two self portraits on wallpaper at this group show.

2011: Tweet - Words and Music

A two-day group show of multi-media and performance art. I exhibited a video including music by Brutum Fulmen.

Looking at Nudes, by Jeff Wrench, acrylic on plywood, 3 x 4 feet

2011: Peep Show

A group show featuring various interpretations of the title. For the show I painted a large 3 x 4 foot wood panel entitled "Looking at Nudes".